Mobile Meals
This local mission opportunity provides hot meals to a very appreciative group! Meals are prepared here at the church twice a week by volunteers. Then the lunches are delivered to the homebound and elderly in the area.
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Volunteers who are able to help at least one hour per month are encouraged to contact the church office (405-525-6584). Meals are cooked and delivered Mondays and Fridays. Menu planning and food requisition occur on other weekdays.
Do you know of someone who needs Mobile Meals delivery? Requests can be made through the Mobile Meals office at 405-609-1035 or by email at [email protected].

RAT Pack
The RAT Pack is a group of volunteers who help care for the physical plant of the church. They were established by the Board of Trustees in the fall of 1998 as a means of reducing operating costs to the church for minor maintenance while providing help in maintaining the physical plant.
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The acronym, RAT, reflects the minor Repair, Alteration, and Transformation projects the group takes on. They meet every Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. to perform myriad tasks.
Typical examples of the over 900 projects undertaken include painting, carpentry, cleaning, moving of chairs and tables, light plumbing, putting up and taking down of Easter and Christmas decorations, tiling, hanging pictures, lawn care, and numerous other tasks that aid in giving the congregation a more worshipful setting.
Anyone and everyone is invited to come on Monday mornings slightly before 9:00 a.m. and enjoy the fellowship that comes with meeting new friends. You need not have any skills or abilities, only a desire to join with your fellow men and women parishioners in providing RAT.
For more information, call the church office at 405-525-6584 or email us at [email protected].

Reserve the Third
On the third Saturday of the month, Reserve the Third provides members with the opportunity to join in a local mission project. Past projects include volunteering at The Urban Mission, Jesus House and other local mission agencies.

Community Garden
The Creation Care Committee manages and supports gardeners in our Community Garden. The garden is in the block south of the church adjacent to the playground and consists of a fenced area with 17 raised-bed plots that range from 20 to more than 250 square feet. The plots are tailored to provide opportunities for gardeners of any skill and experience levels to get their hands dirty and grow a few vegetables or flowers.
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Every year, in the late winter, plots are made available for gardeners to sign up for the year. Experienced gardeners are also available to advise and help newer gardeners that are interested in having the experience and satisfaction of “growing your own.” Contact the church office at 405-525-6584 to get more information or sign up for your plot.
SPARK Volunteer
SPARK is a great place to volunteer! If you are looking for a place to get plugged in, our state-licensed child care center offers the perfect opportunity. We hope you will consider working with us.