What should I expect on my first visit?
You can expect to be greeted at the Sanctuary doors by our friendly ushers. They will provide you with a worship bulletin and help you find seating. Our worship services consist of prayer, scripture reading and preaching. Sunday worship typically lasts one hour.
What time do I arrive?
Worship starts at 11:00 a.m. The prelude will begin at 10:50 a.m. You’re more than welcome to arrive a little earlier if you’d like to mingle or grab a coffee.
Where should I park?
You can park in the parking lot to the south of the church. Overflow parking is available to the west of the building, on the west side of Western Avenue and 25th Street. The portico on the west of the building is available for handicap accessible drop offs.
Where do I enter the building?
For Sunday worship, enter through the south entrance of the Sanctuary. During the week, enter the building through the Courtyard by ringing the doorbell at the main doors. There are signs along the sidewalk to identify both of these entrances.
Is the church handicap accessible?
Yes. On Sunday mornings, handicap access is offered through the Sanctuary’s portico or the Courtyard entrance. During the week, the Courtyard is accessible.
What should I wear when I visit?
Wear what you feel most comfortable in. We do not have a strict dress code. Most people dress in business casual attire, while others prefer more casual clothing. Either way, you are more than welcome in this space.
What is the worship style at FPC-OKC?
We have a traditional Reformed worship service, featuring blended classical and contemporary choral and instrumental pieces. Our corporate worship involves liturgical prayer. Our worship team consists of our Pastor, Music Director, Organist, Sanctuary Choir and laypersons.
Can a visitor take communion?
Communion is open to all those who wish to receive it.
Are small children welcome?
Yes, we believe that worship is meant for all ages! We have Discovery Time during service when children are invited forward for a special message. After Discovery Time, children may return to their seats or leave for age-appropriate worship, play and wonder. Children will return to the Sanctuary during the last hymn.
A crib nursery is available in Room 110 starting at 9:20 a.m. Parents can check their children in before they head to Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. or before 11:00 a.m. worship.
Is childcare available?
Yes, childcare is available during Sunday worship. A crib nursery is provided in Room 119 for children 3 and under.
May I get married in the Sanctuary?
Members and non-members are both able to get married at FPC-OKC. For more information visit our Wedding page.
What should I do if I have more questions?
Feel free to call us at 405-525-6584 or email at [email protected]. From there we will put you in contact with whoever can best answer your question or fulfill a need.
How do I join the church?
There are three ways to join FPC-OKC: by transfer of membership from another church, by reaffirmation of faith, or by baptism and affirmation of faith. For more information, please contact Pastor John.